1 /*
2 * This file is part of gir-to-d.
3 *
4 * gir-to-d is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
7 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * gir-to-d is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * along with gir-to-d. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */17 18 modulegirtod;
19 20 importstd.algorithm: canFind, find, findSkip, startsWith;
21 importstd.array;
22 importstd.file : exists, getcwd, isFile;
23 importstd.getopt;
24 importstd.path;
25 importstd.stdio;
26 importcore.stdc.stdlib;
27 28 importgtd.GirWrapper;
29 importgtd.Log;
30 importgtd.WrapException;
31 32 voidmain(string[] args)
33 {
34 boolprintFree;
35 stringlookupFile = "APILookup.txt";
36 37 GirWrapperwrapper = newGirWrapper("./", "./out");
38 OptionprintFilesOption;
39 40 wrapper.cwdOrBaseDirectory = getcwd();
41 42 printFilesOption.optLong = "--print-files";
43 printFilesOption.help = "Write a newline separated list of generated files to stdout. Optionally you can pass 'relative[,/base/path] or 'full' to force printing the relative or full paths of the files.";
44 45 autohelpInformation = getopt(
46 args,
47 std.getopt.config.passThrough,
48 "input|i", "Directory containing the API description. Or a lookup file (Default: ./)", &wrapper.inputDir,
49 "output|o", "Output directory for the generated binding. (Default: ./out)", &wrapper.outputDir,
50 "use-runtime-linker", "Link the gtk functions with the runtime linker.", &wrapper.useRuntimeLinker,
51 "gir-directory|g", "Directory to search for gir files before the system directory.", &wrapper.commandlineGirPath,
52 "print-free", "Print functions that don't have a parent module.", &printFree,
53 "use-bind-dir", "Include public imports for the old gtkc package.", &wrapper.useBindDir,
54 "version", "Print the version and exit", (){ writeln("GIR to D ", import("VERSION")); exit(0); }
55 );
56 57 if (helpInformation.helpWanted)
58 {
59 defaultGetoptPrinter("girtod is an utility that generates D bindings using the GObject introspection files.\n\nOptions:",
60 helpInformation.options ~ printFilesOption);
61 exit(0);
62 }
63 64 if ( args.length > 1 )
65 handlePrintFiles(args, wrapper);
66 67 try68 {
69 //Read in the GIR and API files.70 if ( wrapper.inputDir.extension == ".gir" )
71 {
72 wrapper.proccessGIR(wrapper.inputDir);
73 }
74 else75 {
76 if ( wrapper.inputDir.exists && wrapper.inputDir.isFile() )
77 {
78 lookupFile = wrapper.inputDir.baseName();
79 wrapper.inputDir = wrapper.inputDir.dirName();
80 }
81 wrapper.proccess(lookupFile);
82 }
83 84 if ( printFree )
85 wrapper.printFreeFunctions();
86 87 //Generate the D binding88 foreach(pack; wrapper.packages)
89 {
90 if ( pack.name == "cairo" )
91 continue;
92 93 if ( wrapper.useRuntimeLinker )
94 pack.writeLoaderTable();
95 else96 pack.writeExternalFunctions();
97 98 pack.writeTypes();
99 pack.writeClasses();
100 }
101 }
102 catch (WrapExceptionex)
103 {
104 error(ex);
105 }
106 }
107 108 voidhandlePrintFiles(string[] args, GirWrapperwrapper)
109 {
110 stringvalue;
111 112 args.popFront();
113 114 if ( args.front.startsWith("--print-files") )
115 {
116 if ( args.front.findSkip("=") )
117 {
118 value = args.front;
119 }
120 121 args.popFront();
122 123 if ( value.empty && !args.empty && !args.front.startsWith("--") )
124 {
125 value = args.front;
126 args.popFront();
127 }
128 }
129 130 if ( !args.empty )
131 {
132 writeln("Unable to parse parameters: Unrecognized option ", args.front);
133 exit(0);
134 }
135 136 wrapper.printFiles = true;
137 138 if ( value == "absolute" || value == "full" )
139 {
140 wrapper.printFileMethod = PrintFileMethod.Absolute;
141 }
142 elseif ( value.startsWith("relative") )
143 {
144 wrapper.printFileMethod = PrintFileMethod.Relative;
145 146 if ( value.findSkip(",") )
147 wrapper.cwdOrBaseDirectory = value;
148 149 if ( !isAbsolute(wrapper.cwdOrBaseDirectory) )
150 error("The base directory passed to relative must be absolute.");
151 }
152 elseif ( !value.empty )
153 {
154 error("Unknown option: '", value, "' for print-files.");
155 }
156 }